Du’aas for Other People - Dr Zakir Naik
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Du’aas for Other People - Dr Zakir Naik EPI_12_10
Yusuf Chambers: Am I allowed to ask for the forgiveness of the sins of other people in my personal supplications. If I may then how should I do so?
Dr. Zakir: It is not that you can, it is recommended that when you pray you should pray for your other believing Muslims, other Muslim brothers and sisters. It’s mentioned in several places
And it further mentions in the Qur’an in Surah Muhammad ch. no. 47 verse no. 19, it says
“Ask for forgiveness for yourself and the believing men and women”
That means you ask for yourself for forgiveness as well as for the believing men and women.
And there is a dua of Nooh (alahe salaam) in
Surah Nooh ch. no. 71 verse no. 28 where it says that
“Noah (peace be upon him) he prayed to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala that forgive me, my parents and those who enter my house in faith.”
Forgive me, my parents and those who enter my house in faith and the believing men and women.
And our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), its mentioned in a Hadith of Tirmidhi (Book of Supplications) Hadith no. 3385
“That the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) whenever he used to ask forgiveness for others”
First he used to ask for himself that forgive me and forgive my Muslim brothers and sisters etc. but you have to be careful for the unbelievers for the mushriks
For Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Tawbah ch. no. 9 verse no. 113 that
“It is not befitting for the Prophet and for the believing men and women to ask forgiveness for the pagans who associate partners with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala even if it be your kith and kin for those who you know are surely going to hellfire.”
But you may ask for other things, you can ask for health for unbeliever, you can ask for the wealth for an unbeliever that’s perfectly fine. The best dua you can do for the Mushrik, for an unbeliever is the Hidaaya which our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said, its mentioned in a Hadith of
Tirmidhi (Book of Manaaqib) Hadith no. 3681 where the beloved Prophet said that
“Out of the two Umars may Allah give Hidaaya to one Umar and Umar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased wit him, Allah gave him Hidaaya and he accepted Islam.”
So you can always ask for Hidaaya of the unbelievers. That’s the best dua you can do for them.
Yusuf Chambers: SubhanAllah. May Allah give my mother Hidaaya in that case, InshaAllah.
Dr. Zakir: Aameen.
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