“I Can't Take it Anymore” - Life-Changing Islamic Motivational Speech! - Towards Eternity

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In this video, the speaker explains how we should interpret the obstacles and bad events that we encounter in our lives and how we should approach them psychologically and mentally.

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00:00 İntro 01:20 The Pain Living İnside You! 02:11 Evidence (Signs) Of Allah’s Love! 02:43 Why Do All The Bad Things Keep Happening One After Another? 04:16 Time Can Heal The Wounds. 05:38 Everything Depends On The Mindset. 07:31 The Way Of Finding Comfort And Strength During Most Challenging Times! 10:32 Complaining About Trouble, Causing İt Double! 11:02 Allah Gives Us Calamities For A Purpose. 12:36 An Example Of The Role Of Calamity İn Our Lives! 12:51 Why Do We Need Calamities? 14:26 Why Do Muslims Experience More Calamities Than Disbelievers? 16:04 Three Reasons Of The Occurrence Of Difficulties! 18:01 Allah Knows Our True Worth Of Preciousness! 18:54 The World is Exile!
