[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 80 - Part 2: Invocations | English AudioBook

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##### Summary ##### Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī is a collection of hadīth compiled by Imam Abu Abdullāh Muhammad Ibn Ismā`īl al-Bukhārī(rahimahullāh). His collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It contains roughly 7563 hadīth (with repetitions) in 97 books. The translation provided here is by Dr. M. Muhsin Khan.

This video covers the 2nd part of the 80th book of the collection: Invocations

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##### Timestamps ##### 00:00 Title 00:03 To seek refuge with Allah from Al-Fitan 01:30 To seek refuge with Allah from being overpowered 03:14 To seek refuge from punishment of the grave 04:43 To seek refuge with Allah from the Fitnah of life and death 05:04 To seek refuge with Allah from all kinds of sins and from being in debt 05:54 To seek refuge with Allah from cowardice and laziness 06:16 To seek refuge with Allah from miserliness 06:48 To seek refuge with Allah from senile old age 07:10 To invoke Allah to take away epidemic and diseases 09:16 To seek refuge from senile old age and Fitnah 10:34 To seek refuge from the Fitnah of wealth 11:04 To seek refuge from the Fitnah of poverty 11:55 The invocation for increase in wealth, offspring and blessing 12:19 To invoke for increase of offspring, along with His Blessings. 12:39 The invocation on making Istikharah 13:48 Invoking Allah while performing ablution 14:17 Invoking Allah while ascending a high place 15:14 The invocation while going on a journey or returning 16:01 Invocation for a bridegroom 17:20 What one should say before having sexual intercourse with his wife 17:50 "Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and save us from the torment of the Fire!" 18:11 To seek refuge from the fitnah of the world 18:40 To repeat the invocation 20:51 To invoke Allah against Al-Mushrikun 23:45 Invocation in favor of Mushrikun 24:21 "O Allah! Forgive my past and future sins." 25:41 To invoke Allah during a particular time on Friday 26:09 "Our invocation against the Jews will be accepted, but theirs will not be accepted." 26:59 The saying of 'Amin' 27:19 The superiority of saying "La ilaha ill-Allah" 28:25 The superiority of Tasbih 29:05 The superiority of Dhikr of Allah 'Azza wa Jall 31:54 'La haula wa la quwwata illa billah' 32:43 Allah has one hundred Names less one 33:02 Preaching at intervals

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