[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 76 - Part 1: Medicine | English AudioBook
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##### Summary ##### Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī is a collection of hadīth compiled by Imam Abu Abdullāh Muhammad Ibn Ismā`īl al-Bukhārī(rahimahullāh). His collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It contains roughly 7563 hadīth (with repetitions) in 97 books. The translation provided here is by Dr. M. Muhsin Khan.
This video covers the first part of the 76th book of the collection: Medicine
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##### Timestamps ##### 00:00 Title 00:03 There is no disease except its treatment 00:16 May a man treat a woman or a woman treat a man? 00:33 There is cure in three things 01:10 Treatment with honey 02:30 To treat with the milk of camels 03:16 To treat with the urine of camels 03:56 (To treat with) black cumin (Nigella seeds) 04:51 At-Talbina prepared for the patient 05:26 Sa'ut 05:40 To sniff the Indian and sea Qust (kind of incense) 06:13 What time one should be cupped 06:22 To be cupped while on a journey or in Ihram 06:32 To be cupped (as a treatment) for a disease. 07:28 Cupping on the head 07:49 Cupping to treat unilateral or bilateral headache 08:31 To get one's head shaved because of some ailment 08:59 Branding (cauterizing) 11:16 To treat opthalmia with antimony or kohl 11:54 Leprosy 12:35 Al-Manna heals eye diseases 12:50 Al-Ladud (the medicine which is poured or inserted into one side of a patient's mouth) 14:17 Chapter 15:27 Al-Udhra (throat or tonsil diseases) 15:55 The treatment for a person suffering from diarrhea 16:26 There is no Safar disease that afflicts the abdomen 17:02 Pleurisy 18:07 To burn a mat to stop bleeding 18:41 Fever is from the heat of Hell 19:50 Whoever went out of a land because of its climate and water 20:54 What has been mentioned about the plague 24:41 The reward of a person who suffers from plague and remains patient
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