[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 53: Peacemaking | English AudioBook
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##### Summary ##### Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī is a collection of hadīth compiled by Imam Abu Abdullāh Muhammad Ibn Ismā`īl al-Bukhārī(rahimahullāh). His collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It contains roughly 7563 hadīth (with repetitions) in 97 books. The translation provided here is by Dr. M. Muhsin Khan.
This video covers the 53rd book of the collection: Peacemaking
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##### Timestamps ##### 00:00 Title 00:03 What has been said regarding (re)conciliation between the people 03:24 He who makes peace between the people is not a liar 03:40 "Let us go to bring about a (re)conciliation." 03:56 The Statement of Allah: "... If they make terms of peace between themselves; and making peace is better..." 04:24 If some people are (re)conciled on illegal basis, their reconciliation is rejected 05:52 How to write (re)conciliation 09:31 To make peace with Al-Mushrikun 11:19 Agreement about Diya (blood money) 12:26 "This son of mine is Sayyid." 14:26 Should the Imam suggest reconciliation? 15:39 The superoirity of making peace and establishing justice among the people 16:00 If the Imam (i.e., ruler) suggests a (re)conciliation 17:36 Reconciliation between the creditors and between the inheritors 18:57 Reconciliation in case of dispute concerning debts
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