[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 51: Gifts | English AudioBook

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##### Summary ##### Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī is a collection of hadīth compiled by Imam Abu Abdullāh Muhammad Ibn Ismā`īl al-Bukhārī(rahimahullāh). His collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It contains roughly 7563 hadīth (with repetitions) in 97 books. The translation provided here is by Dr. M. Muhsin Khan.

This video covers the 51st book of the collection: Gifts

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##### Timestamps ##### 00:00 Title 00:03 Superiority of giving gifts 00:59 Giving a little gift 01:15 Whoever asks his friends to grant him a gift 03:27 Whoever asks others to give him water 04:19 The gift of game 04:51 Accepting a gift 08:17 Choosing to give a gift 11:42 Gift should not be rejected 12:02 To give as a gift something not present 12:45 Compensation for a gift 12:56 Giving gifts to one's sons 13:20 The witnesses for the gifts 14:15 Giving gifts by a husband to his wife, and by a wife to her husband 15:12 A woman giving gifts to someone other than husband 17:05 Who is to be given the gift first? 17:42 Whoever refused to accept a present 19:18 If somebody gives another a present and dies before the gift reaches the other person 20:05 To take over the slave and property (given as gift) 20:52 The receiver taking the gift into his possession 22:13 If a creditor gives the debt due to him, as a gift 23:30 The giving of a gift by one person to a group 24:10 The received, unreceived, divided and undivided gifts 26:00 If a group of persons gives a gift to some people 27:54 Whosoever is given a gift while some people are sitting with him, he only has the right to have it 29:03 If someone gives a camel as a gift to a man riding it 29:31 A gift of clothes, wearing of which is disliked 31:21 The acceptance of presents from Al-Mushrikun 33:34 Giving presents to Al-Mushrikun 34:55 Not to take back presents or Sadaqa 35:51 Chapter 36:34 'Umra and Ruqba 36:59 Borrowing a horse from some people 37:24 To borrow something for the bride 37:49 The superiority of the Maniha 41:50 It is permissible if somebody says, "I give this slave-girl to you for your service. ..." 42:18 If somebody gives another person a horse (as a gift)

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