[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 34: Sales and Trade | English AudioBook
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00:00 Title 00:03 "Then when the Salat is ended, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allah ..." 04:38 Legal, illegal, doubtful things 05:17 Explanation of doubtful (unclear) things 08:12 What doubtful (unclear) things should be avoided? 08:34 Whoever doesn't consider dark suggestions 09:30 "And when they see some merchandise or some amusement they disperse headlong to it ..." 09:58 One who doesn't care from where he earns 10:12 Trade of cloth and other things 10:49 Going out for Trading 11:54 Trading in sea 12:10 "And when they see some merchandise or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it…" 12:35 "...Spend of the good things which you have earned..." 13:17 Whoever liked to expand in his sustenance 13:32 Prophet ﷺ purchased (foodgrains) on credit 14:15 Earnings of a person and his manual labor 15:57 One should be lenient and generous in bargaining 16:12 Whoever gave time to a rich person to pay at his convenience 16:52 Person in hard circumstances to pay debt (when able to repay) 17:13 To explain good and bad points of the transaction 17:40 Selling of mixed dates 18:06 Meat seller/butcher 18:50 The loss (of blessings) if one tells lies or hides facts in a deal 19:15 "...Eat not Riba doubled and multiplied." 19:31 Sin of Riba, its witness and its writer 20:30 Riba-giver 21:01 "Allah will destroy Riba and will give increase for Sadaqat" 21:17 Giving oaths (swearing) while selling 21:48 Goldsmiths 23:14 Blacksmiths 24:03 Tailor 24:42 Weaver 26:01 Carpenter 27:44 Purchase by ruler himself 27:55 Purchase of animals/donkeys 30:17 Markets of Pre-Islamic Period of Ignorance 30:46 Purchasing of camel suffering from disease 31:44 Selling of arms during period of Al-Fitnah 32:07 Perfume seller/Musk seller 32:34 Al-Hajjam (one who practices cupping) 33:10 Trade of cloth, wearing of which is undesirable 34:37 Owner of a thing has to suggest a price 34:53 For what period to confirm or cancel the bargain? 35:29 If time for option isn't fixed, will the deal be considered as legal? 36:00 To cancel or confirm a bargain 36:42 The option of cancelling a bargain 37:13 If the seller has option of cancelling a bargain 38:09 To buy a thing and give it as a present 39:49 What is disliked as regards cheating in business 40:07 What is said about markets 44:00 Dislike of raising voices in market 45:12 Weighing goods by seller or giver 46:49 What is considered preferable regarding measuring 47:00 Allah's Blessing in Sa' and Mudd of the Prophet ﷺ 47:46 Selling of foodstuff & its storage 49:25 Selling of foodstuff before receiving it 49:58 Whoever bought foodstuff without measuring or weighing shouldn't sell before bringing into house 50:15 If somebody buys some goods or (an) animal & let it with the seller, or it dies before he takes it into his possession 51:42 Not to cancel a bargain already agreed upon 52:30 Selling by auction 52:55 An-Najsh 53:04 Al-Gharar & Habal-il-Habala 53:28 Al-Limas or Mulamasa 54:18 Munabadha 54:43 Seller isn't allowed to keep animal unmilked for a long time 56:29 Returning an animal after milking it 56:51 Selling of an adulterer slave 57:57 Dealing with women in selling and buying 59:18 Is it permissible for a person from the town to sell goods of a desert dweller 01:00:13 Whoever hated that an urban person should sell goods of a desert dweller & charge him for that 01:00:25 A town dweller shouldn't buy goods for a desert dweller & charge commission as a broker 01:00:53 Its forbidden to meet caravans on the way (to buy goods away from the market) 01:02:06 Limits to which one can go ahead to meet the caravan 01:02:37 If somebody imposes conditions in selling against Islamic Law 01:04:37 Selling of dates for dates 01:05:05 Selling of dried grapes for dried grapes, meals for meals 01:05:57 Selling of barley for barley 01:06:58 Selling of gold for gold 01:07:17 Selling of silver for silver 01:08:06 Selling of Dinar for Dinar on credit 01:08:52 Selling of silver for gold on delayed payment 01:09:14 Selling of gold for silver from hand to hand 01:09:33 Al-Muzabana, Al-Araya 01:11:09 Selling of dates still on trees 01:12:52 Araya 01:13:15 Sale of fruits before their benefit is evident 01:14:59 Sale of date-palms before their benefit is evident 01:15:21 If somebody sells fruits before their benefit is evident 01:16:20 To buy foodstuff on credit 01:16:32 To buy dates for Riba-Al-Fadl 01:17:25 Sold or rented date-palms which were pollinated, or land which was sown 01:18:05 Sale of unharvested crops for a measured quantity of foodstuff 01:18:28 Sale of datepalms completely 01:18:46 Bai' Al-Mukhadara 01:19:30 Sale & eating of spadix 01:19:55 Where there is no fixed judgement, the traditions & conventions of community are to be referred 01:21:14 Selling of joint-property by one to other 01:21:32 Sale of undivided common belongings 01:22:07 If somebody buys something for another without his permission & the latter accepts it 01:24:44 Buying/selling with Mushrikun/enemy 01:25:13 Rest of Ahadith