[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 10: Call to Prayers (Adhaan) | English AudioBook

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00:00 Title 00:03 How the Adhan for Salat started 01:10 Pronouncing wording of Adhan for Salat twice 01:47 Pronounce wording of Iqama once except Qad-qamat-is-Salat 02:09 Superiority of the Adhan 02:45 Raising the voice in Adhan 03:17 To suspend fighting on hearing Adhan 04:23 What to say on hearing Adhan 05:07 Invocation at the time of Adhan 05:40 To draw lots for pronouncing Adhan 06:14 Talking during Adhan 06:46 Adhan pronounced by a blind man (is permissible) when there is a person to inform him about the time of Salat 07:08 The Adhan after Al-Fajr (dawn) 07:52 The Adhan before Al-Fajr (dawn) 09:03 How long should the interval between Adhan and Iqama be? The person who waits for the Iqama 09:52 Whoever waits for Iqama of Salat 10:12 Between every two calls (Adhan and Iqama) there is a Salat for one who wants to offer it 10:31 Whoever said that there should be one Mu'adh-dhin in the journey 11:01 If there are many travellers, Adhan and Iqama should be pronounced, (the same is to be observed) in 'Arafat and Al-Muzdalifa too 13:49 Should the Mu'adh-dhin turn his mouth (face) and look from side to side during Adhan? 14:00 The saying of a person "We have missed As-Salat (the prayer)" 14:31 One shouldn't run for Salat but present himself with calmness and solemnity 14:50 When should the people get up for Salat if they see the Imam during the Iqama? 15:06 One shouldn't stand for Salat hurriedly but with calmness and solemnity 15:24 Can one go out of the mosque (after Adhan/Iqama) if there is a genuine excuse? 15:59 If the Imam says, "Remain at your places till I return", then wait for him 16:24 The saying of a man to the Prophet ﷺ, "We have not prayed." 17:04 If the Imam is confronted with a problem after Iqama 17:23 To talk after Iqama 17:35 Congregational Salat is obligatory 18:14 Superiority of congregational Salat 19:39 Superiority of the Fajr prayer in congregation 21:20 Superiority of offering Zuhr prayer early 22:21 Every step towards good deeds is rewarded 23:14 The superiority of Isha prayer in congregation 23:48 Two or more persons are considered as group (for congregational prayers) 24:02 (The reward of a person) who waits for Salat in the mosque and superiority of mosques 25:58 The superiority of going to the mosque every morning and in afternoon and evening [for congregational Salat] 26:20 No Salat (is to be offered) except compulsory Salat after Iqama has been pronounced for that compulsory Salat 26:53 Limit set for a patient to attend congregational Salat (prayer)? 29:13 It is permissible to pray at one's dwelling during rain or if there is a genuine excuse 30:18 Can Imam offer Salat (prayer) with only those who are present (for the prayer)? And can he deliver a Khutba on Friday if its raining? 32:09 If meal has been served and Iqama has been pronounced 33:23 When Imam is called for Salat while he has in his hands something to eat. 33:43 If somebody was busy with his domestic work and Iqama was pronounced and then he came out [for offering the Salat] 34:01 Offering Salat in front of the people with sole intention of teaching them Salat of the Prophet ﷺ and his Sunnah 34:35 The religious learned men are entitled to precedence in leading Salat 38:27 Whoever stood by the side of the Imam because of a genuine cause [in Salat] 39:15 If somebody is leading Salat (prayer) and (in the meanwhile) the first (usual) Imam comes, the Salat is valid whether the former retreats or does not retreat 41:02 If some people are equally proficient in the recitation of Quran (and religious knowledge), the oldest of them should lead Salat 41:37 If the Imam visited some people and led them in Salat 42:01 The Imam is appointed to be followed 46:56 When should those who are behind the Imam prostrate? 47:23 Sin of the one who raises his head before Imam 47:40 A slave/manumitted slave can lead Salat 48:11 If the Imam does not offer Salat perfectly and the followers offer it perfectly 48:30 Offering prayers behind a man who is a victim of Al-Fitan (trials and affections) or a heretic 49:27 To stand on right side of the Imam on the same line if only two persons (counting the Imam) are offering Salat in congregation 50:01 If a man stood on the left side of the Imam and the Imam drew him to his right side, then the Salat of none of them would be invalid 50:40 If the Imam has not had the intention of leading the prayer and then some persons join him and he leads them 50:58 If the Imam prolongs Salat and somebody has an urgent work or need and so he leaves the congregation and offers Salat alone 51:49 The shortening of the Qiyam (standing) by the Imam [in Salat] but performing the bowings and prostrations perfectly 52:25 When offering Salat alone, one can prolong Salat as much as one wishes 52:46 Complaining against one's Imam if he prolongs Salat 54:22 Shortening and perfection of Salat (by the Imam) 54:35 Whoever cuts short Salat on hearing cries of a child 55:47 If one offers Salat and he leads the people in Salat 56:00 Rest