[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 6: Menstrual Periods | English AudioBook
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##### Summary ##### Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī is a collection of hadīth compiled by Imam Abu Abdullāh Muhammad Ibn Ismā`īl al-Bukhārī(rahimahullāh). His collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It contains roughly 7563 hadīth (with repetitions) in 97 books. The translation provided here is by Dr. M. Muhsin Khan.
This video covers the sixth book of the collection: Menstrual Periods
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##### Timestamps ##### 00:00 Title 00:03 Menses (a thing) ordained (by Allah and instructions) for women when they get their menses 00:49 The washing of the husband's head and the combing of his hair by a menstruating wife 01:35 To recite the Qur'an while lying in the lap of one's own menstruating wife 01:46 Using the word Nifas for menses 02:11 Fondling a menstruating wife 03:18 A menstruating women should leave observing Saum (fasting) 04:34 A menstruating women should perform all the ceremonies of Hajj except the Tawaf around the Ka'bah 05:16 Al-Isthihada [bleeding (from the womb) in between a woman's periods] 05:54 Washing out the menstrual blood 06:46 The I'tikaf of a woman who is bleeding in between her periods 07:46 Can a woman offer her Salat (prayers) in the clothes in which she has her menses? 08:03 Putting perfume by woman at the time of taking a bath after finishing from the menses 08:39 A woman should rub her own body thoroughly during a bath after the menses 09:13 To take a bath after finishing from the menses 09:42 The combing of head-hair while taking the bath after finishing from her menses 10:48 A woman should undo her head-hair while taking the bath after finishing from her menses. 11:49 "(A little lump of flesh) some formed and some unformed." 12:29 How a menstruating woman should assume Ihram for Hajj or for Umra 13:38 The beginning and the ending of menstrual periods 14:03 There is no Salat (prayer) to be offered by a menstruating woman in lieu of the missed Salat during her menses. 14:30 Sleeping with a menstruating woman (one's wife) while she is wearing her clothes (that are worn during menses) 15:15 Whoever kept a special dress for menses besides other dresses for the clean period 15:41 The participation of menstruating women in the two Eid festivals and in religious gatherings of Muslims and their isolation from the Musalla (prayer place) 17:21 If a woman gets menses thrice a month 17:46 Yellowish discharge not during the menses 17:55 Al-Istihadah (bleeding in between the periods is from a blood vessel) 18:21 If a woman gets her menses after Tawaf-al-Ifada 19:12 When a woman having bleeding in between her periods notices signs of cleanliness from her menses 19:28 The offering of a funeral prayer for a woman who had died (or after) delivery and its (i.e., funeral prayer's) legal way of performing 19:44 Chapter
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