[Sahih Al-Bukhari] Book 4: Ablution (Wudu') | English AudioBook

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00:00 Title 00:03 No Salat is accepted Without Ablution 00:29 Superiority Of Ablution & Al-ghurr-ul-muhajjalun From Traces Of Ablution 00:56 One should not repeat ablution if in doubt unless & until he is convinced 01:15 To perform a light ablution 02:43 Completion of ablution 03:37 To wash face with both hands by a handful of water 04:29 To recite "Bismillah," during every action & on having sexual relations with one's wife 05:00 What to say while going to the lavatory 05:16 Providing water at lavatories 05:39 While urinating/defecating, never face the Qiblah except when you are screened by a building/wall/something like that 05:58 Defecating while sitting over two bricks 06:23 Going out of women for answering call of nature 07:26 To defecate in houses 08:03 To wash private parts with water after answering call of nature 08:22 Getting water carried by someone else for purification 08:36 To carry an 'Anaza along with water for washing private parts after answering call of nature 08:54 Its forbidden to clean private parts with right hand 09:14 While passing urine one should not hold his penis with his right hand 09:32 To clean private parts with stones 10:08 Don't clean private parts with dung 10:34 Washing of body parts once only during ablution 10:45 Washing of body parts twice during ablution 10:56 Washing of parts thrice during ablution 12:20 Cleaning of nose by putting water in it, then blowing it out during ablution 12:39 To clean private parts with odd number of stones 13:07 Washing both feet & it isn't sufficient to pass wet hands over feet 13:32 To rinse mouth with water during ablution 14:25 The washing of heels during ablution 14:43 Washing feet when one is wearing the shoes & it isn't sufficient for one to pass a wet hand over shoes 16:26 While performing ablution or taking a bath one should start from the right side of the body 16:56 To look for water when the time for prayer is due 17:30 Water with which human hair has been washed 18:03 If a dog drinks from the utensil of any one of you then it is essential to wash it seven times 19:33 Whosoever considers not to repeat ablution except if something is discharged or passed from exit 21:56 A man who helps his companion to perform ablution 22:52 Recitation of Quran or doing other invocations etc. after Hadath 24:17 Whoever does not repeat ablution except after falling into deep sleep/losing consciousness completely 25:55 To pass wet hands over the whole head during ablution 26:45 Washing of feet unto the ankles 27:35 Using of the remaining water after ablution 28:55 Chapter 29:33 Rinsing one's mouth & putting water in one's nose & cleaning it by blowing the water out with a single handful of water 30:09 Passing of wet hands over the head once only 31:11 Performance of ablution by a man along with his wife. Utilization of water remaining after a woman has performed ablution. Umar performed ablution with warm water & with water brought from the house of a Christian woman 31:24 Sprinkling of remaining water after performing ablution on an unconscious person by the Prophet ﷺ 31:54 To take a bath or perform ablution from a Mikhdab, a tumbler, or a wooden or stone pot 34:33 To perform ablution from an earthen-ware pot 35:57 To perform ablution with one Mudd of water 36:11 To pass wet hands over Khuffain 37:28 If one puts on Khuff just after performing ablution 37:52 Not repeating ablution after eating mutton & As-Sawiq 38:25 Rinsing one's mouth after eating As-Sawiq without redoing ablution 39:17 Whether to rinse mouth after drinking milk 39:29 Ablution after sleep & whoever considers it unnecessary to repeat ablution after dozing once or twice or after nodding once in slumber 40:05 To perform ablution even on having no Hadath 40:57 One of the major sins is not to protect oneself from urine 41:54 Washing out urine 42:08 Chapter 42:53 The Prophet ﷺ & the people left the bedouin undisturbed till he finished urinating in the mosque 43:12 Pouring of water over urine in mosque 43:49 Urine of children 44:30 To pass urine while standing/sitting 44:46 To urinate beside one's companion while screened by a wall 45:09 To urinate near dumps of some people 45:42 Washing out of blood 46:58 Washing out of semen with water & rubbing it off & the washing out of what comes out of women 47:33 If traces of Janaba or other spots are not removed completely on washing 48:06 The urine of camels, sheep & other animals & about their folds 49:17 An-Najasat which fall in cooking butter & water 50:11 Urinating in stagnant water 50:43 If a dead body or a polluted thing is put on the back of a person offering Salat, his Salat will not be annulled 52:32 Spitting or blowing out the nose or doing similar action in one's own garment 52:41 It is unlawful to perform ablution with Nabidh or with any other intoxicant 52:54 Washing blood by a woman off her father's face 53:22 Siwak 53:52 To give Siwak to the oldest person of the group 54:14 Superiority of a person who sleeps with ablution