Our Covenant With God | Quran 7:172 | Misunderstood Quranic Verses | Dr. Shabir Ally
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Dr. Shabir Ally explores Quran 7:172, a commonly misunderstood verse about humanity’s covenant with God, wherein people are asked to bear witness to God’s sovereignty. He explains that this covenant is often interpreted as a one-time event involving all of humanity gathered before God, but this view presents logical issues. Instead, Dr. Shabir supports Muhammad Asad's interpretation, which suggests the covenant happens continuously with each new generation. According to this view, people are "hardwired" for belief in God, meaning that every person is born with an innate recognition of God as their Creator, which helps explain why people cannot claim ignorance of God’s existence on the Day of Judgment. Dr. Shabir encourages revisiting classical interpretations with fresh eyes to better align with reason and modern understanding.
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