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Humans tend to compare themselves to others. People of all ages are equally prone to constantly comparing themselves to others. The reason for teenagers doing so is due to the process of developing a distinct personality and a stronger sense of individuality during a certain phase in life. As adolescents, children are often still discovering and learning more about themselves and their connections with the outside world. Maturation requires one to become independent and be able to make decisions on their own.
Comparison makes one feel negatively about themselves most of the time, especially when the comparisons made are based on superficial characteristics that do not represent who we are as a person. Adults tend to engage in unhealthy comparisons during a life transition period such as adjusting to a new job, going through a divorce, retirement etc. which forces them to come to terms with certain characteristics of theirs as an individual, triggering temporary confusion, anxiety and insecurities. Hence, inferiority and vulnerability felt during these life transitions trigger people to compare themselves to others.
This nouman ali khan lecture tackles the phenomenon of unhealthy comparison very beautifully.