Is the Television Dajjaal the prophet (pbuh) Predicted will enter every house? – Dr Zakir Naik
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Is the Television Dajjaal the prophet (pbuh) Predicted will enter every house? – Dr Zakir Naik MIWPQA-26
Questioner: Bismillah Hir Rehmaanir Rahim. I am Dr. Firdoz my question is that we know from the Ahadith that Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) told us about the Fitaans or the afflictions of Dajjal. And according to some of the Ahadith we are informed that Dajjal will reach every house he’ll show you what which you cannot drink and he will show you fire which will not burn you. Can we consider the TV to be one of the afflictions of the Dajjal?
Dr. Zakir: Sister’s asked a question that there are Ahadith talking about Dajjal which are Sahih Ahadith. There are some scholars including she has quoted that some of the scholars say that this television, you know, kana Dajjal, one eyed dajjal, screen is only one eye so this is the Dajjal. So can’t we consider this as the Dajjal? There’s no Hadith saying that TV is Dajjal whether TV is or not. You know what we have to do our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that when you stand for Salah don’t leave any gap, closen your gap. So that there is no place for the Shaitaan. Sahih Bhukahari Vol . no. 1, Book of Adhaan, ch. 75 Hadith no. 692 the same hadith is repeated in Sunan Abu Dawud Vol. no. 1 in the book of Salah ch no. 245 hadith no. 666 that “when you stand for Salah stand shoulder to shoulder closen your gaps so that the Satan doesn’t come”
Even if you consider this as a Dajjal you convert the Dajjal into a Muslim. Change this TV media into a true media & propagate it. There is no proof that Television is the Dajjal but even if you consider it to be a Dajjal what we have to do is we have to use this media to propagate the Haqq so that we can testify to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) that we have tried our level best to convey the message to the world and give the message of Islam to the whole of human kind.
Wa Aakhru Da’waana Anilhamdu Lilahi Rabbil Aalmeen.
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