In Bhavishya Purana 50% of Prophesy is not Fulfilled by Muhammad (p). Thus he Cannot be a Prophet
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Nilima Asks Dr Zakir, “In Bhavishya Purana 50% of the Prophesy is not Fulfilled by Muhammad (pbuh). Thus he Cannot be a Prophet.” - Dr Zakir Naik
Questioner: Good evening sir. I am a lecturer by profession and also a research scholar in Islam and comparative studies.
Manzoor Shaikh: May I know your name please?
Questioner: I’m Nilima. I respect your great enlightenment sir but I have a small clarification to be made, like, let us just go back to the Bhavishiya Purana Part 3, khand 3, Adhya 3 and Shlokas 5 to 8. Before going to this I would just like to mention that, may be you already know, because every Prophet who comes in the name of God will fulfill the Prophesy which is made for him. So any Prophet who fulfills 50% of that Prophesy is not qualified to be a Prophet. I mean this is a simple logical thing. So now coming back to the Bhavishya Purana you talked about the Malachia leader saying that he is none other than Muhammad, okay. Now I accept the first half of the thing of the Shoka you said but the second 50% which is still ignored. Now sir let me tell you Malachia, the word meaning Malachia it is derived from Sanskrit dictionary I mean the meaning and the meaning means Non Aryan or sinner or wicked person. These are the three different meanings given to the word Malachia. So according to this can Muhammad be a sinner or a wicked person?
The second part is, the second Prophesy is that he will belong to Marustal and in Sanskrit, land of death, because Maru in, I mean, it is derived from Sanskritic Mru. Mru is death. And defiantly it does not quoting to the land of Arabia because it is a barren land or it is a battle field.
And next, coming to the third point of it, this Prophesy also mentions that, that Malachia, leader, will take bath in Panchgavya and in river Ganges. It is a common truth we know that, Ganges means Ganga River. And we all know that Ganga is not in Arabia but it is in India. It is a universal fact. And coming to the taking bath in Panchgavya, the meaning of Panchgavya is 5 products of cow. And the products of cow is milk, curds, ghee, urine, cow dung.
And now sir coming to this part exclusively this Prophesy has been fulfilled by Muhammad where in if you show me at least single reference from Quran where in Muhammad has taken bath in either in all these 5 products i.e. milk, curds, ghee, urine and cow dung. I am ready to accept Islam today. Thank you, sir.
Dr. Zakir: Sister has rightly said that if the Prophesy that you gave if more than 50% is not fulfilled then the Prophesy is wrong. I agree with you sister, I agree with you. And I will answer all your three queries. Lets see whether you accept Islam or not today. That’s a different thing that you may not agree with the truth I will speak to you. I agree with you Malachya I agree with you, all your three definitions. Malachiya, one of the meaning is Non Aryan meaning a foreigner, one of the meaning is sinner, one is a wicked person. That’s the reason alike the Hindus they call the Muslims as Malachia. When they say that they mean actually wicked and sinner. But the other meaning is also foreigner. As far as when I speak when I quote from any scripture while quoting and while taking the meaning its not necessary that if the word has got 4 meanings then more than 2 meanings should be correct. Even if one is correct, the meaning is right...