Most Religions believe in Anthropomorphism - God taking Forms - Dr Zakir Naik

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Most Religions believe in Anthropomorphism - God taking Forms - Dr Zakir Naik


There are many human beings, or most of the religions besides Islam, they have the concept of ‘Anthropomorphism’. Most of the religions besides Islam have the concept of ‘Anthropomorphism’. ‘Anthropomorphism’ means Almighty God taking forms. And most of the religions besides Islam, they believe that Almighty God took human form once, while other religions believe He took many times. And they have a very good philosophy, that Almighty God, He is so Holy, He is so Pure, He does not know the shortcomings of the human beings, He does not know how does human beings feel when he is hurt, He does not know how does human feels when he is troubled, so therefore Almighty God being so holy and pure, He became a human being and came in this world to know what is good or what is bad for the human being, so that he could lay down the rules for the human beings. On the face of it, it sounds like a very good logic, Almighty God so Holy, so Pure, so Pious, He does not know the shortcoming of the human being, how the human beings feels when he is hurt, when he is in trouble, when he is in pain, so He came on this earth, He became a human being to know what is good or what is bad for the human beings. I tell these people, that suppose I manufacture a DVD player. do I have to become a DVD player to know what is good or what is bad for the DVD player? What do I do? I write an instruction manual that if you want to play the DVD, insert the DVD and press the play button. If you want to stop, press the stop button. If you want to skip, press the skip button. Don’t drop it from a height it will get damaged - Don’t immerse it in water, it will get spoilt. I write an instruction manual, I don’t have to become a DVD player to know what is good or what is bad for the DVD player. Similarly Almighty God is the Creator of the human begins, He does not have to become a human being to know what is good or what is bad for the human being. What does he do? He reveals a instruction manual and the last and final instruction manual for the human beings, it is the Glorious Qur’an. This Glorious Qur’an is the last and final instruction manual for the human beings, The do’s and donts, what is good what is bad for the human beings is given in this last and final instruction manual the Glorious Qur’an. And Allah (swt) does not have to come down himself to write the instruction manual, what does he do? He chooses a man, amongst the men and communicates with him on a higher level, who we call as messengers of Almighty God and He reveals the message. So if you understand the concept of God, of Allah (swt) in Islam you will understand Islam in the right perspective. So to understand the concept of God in various religions, you have to read the scripture of that religion so that you will understand religion in the right perspective.

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